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English Language Challenges

 I must admit that having face-to-face English classes was scary, after a year of online English classes at university, I felt that I hadn't learnt much and going back to face-to-face classes was going to be a big change. The previous teachers I had were very different and I had no faith that this new semester would be beneficial for learning English :( I was very surprised to be able to understand Pamela, understanding what she was saying was much easier. Speaking English is something that is very difficult for me, putting together coherent sentences and expressing what I want to say is very difficult, even frustrating. But learning English is very necessary, unfortunately most of the information that circulates about my university degree is in English (point for the Gringos), that's why I really want to keep on learning. I like to listen to music in English and many times I look for the lyrics and translation, I also use the translator when I come across instagram stories of

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