The Best Holidays

Hello, in this post I want to tell you about my best holidays. During the first week of February this year we went with my family (8 people + Mia, the family dog) to the south of Chile, we had never travelled all together to the south, we always travelled to the northern beaches. The trip was exhausting, approximately 14 hours to reach our destination, a cabin located in Caburga. The nature and peace that we felt in the place made up for all the exhaustion. Our experience was incredible during those 8 days, we trekked in Los Tres Saltos, visited the Ojos del Caburga, bathed in the Caburga Lake and visited the El Rincon hot springs. Mmm we ate a lot, pastries and southern food. My favourite place was a waterfall hidden behind the cabin, the water was very cold but it was so beautiful that we went there every day, without fail. I like to spend time with my family and I think that's why it was one of the best holidays.

                                                                               Mia <3


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