Time travel to the past or future

hello, today in this post I will talk about time travel, interesting right? mmm I want to clarify that I like my present very much, and I would not like to travel neither to the past nor to the future uhhh that is scary for me! can you imagine traveling to the past and discovering things that were better hidden? nooo, it would be like opening Pandora's box. Can you imagine traveling to the future (1 year) and seeing that nothing exists on planet earth anymore? nooo, I would feel frustrated for not being able to change it. It is that in the background there is always the uncertainty of what will happen tomorrow, we have it when we think about making plans to go out, what we will eat tomorrow, what clothes we will wear, there is always the doubt. In the past are the facts and the lessons, I think it is better to rescue the best of what happened in our lives. To torment ourselves with what we could have done better or differently is not healthy for our minds.

PS: I'd still like to know how the book saga I'm reading ends, just to know who are a couple of my favorite characters HAHAHAHA a guilty pleasure to travel to the future.


  1. Oh yes!!, traveling to the future and discovering something bad scares me a lot too.

  2. I would also be afraid of time travel!


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